Our work is founded on constant inquiry and emphasis on scholarship is how we gain insight to problems and create solutions. As an education and research area, our structure and operation is inclined to academics in the believe that good leadership is constant search for knowledge.
Because we prioritize knowledge and scholarship in our work, we have established institutions of learning. This helps to solve educational needs and close knowledge gaps in the chosen fields. Our unique administrative model from the local, national, to the international level is structured to reflect that drive for scholarship. This allows us to rigorously debate and challenge ideas before they become policy. View our model.
Furthermore, we recognize that the lose of access to education is usually one of the first impacts of violent conflicts. Thus our education advocacy has become very crucial and popular amongst the people. As part of the effort to provide quality education to the affected population especially those that are internally displaced and those seeking refuge in other countries, we have set up two important institutions:
- Institute for the Prevention of Transnational Crisis across Southeastern Nigeria and Southern Cameroons (IPTC-SENSC):
- The Protected Campus for Policy, Administration and Services Studies (PC-PASS):
- Refuge University Initiative:
- Innovation and Study Hub: