Title: "From Ashes To Harmony:

The Rise Of Ekpokpa"

In a land once filled with war, Ekpokpa arose,
From the ashes and pain, a newfound repose.
Where bloodshed was plenty and peace had no voice,
Now unity prevails, where dreams find their choice.

Innocent lives lost, a haunting memory,
But through strength and resilience, we now stand free.
Children, once lost, their spirits now rise,
With hope and determination shining in their eyes.

Our elders, once harassed, now embraced with grace,
In Ekpokpa, their wisdom finds a sacred space.
No longer torn apart, our people have found,
A sense of belonging, a common ground.

Truth no longer silenced, fear cast away,
A united voice emerges, lighting up our way.
Tears transformed into strength, resilience in our core,
In Ekpokpa, harmony reigns, forevermore.

We share a common purpose, our dreams intertwined,
In this magical land, our aspirations find,
A canvas of endless possibilities, where we all belong,
Ekpokpa, our refuge, where our hearts grow strong...

By Jennifer Fouhnui

Title: Return to Unity

Oh, our beloved land
Once thriving with love and peace
Now riddled with hatred and despair
Where violence prevails and peace retreats

Where once we spoke our minds
Now our words hold no sway
Where once we lived our lives
Now uncertainty looms each day
Our people have turned against us
Killing and hurting their very own
Claiming to be for unity
Yet tearing apart what was once grown

Once a land of unity and love
Now a land of division and hate
We live our lives in fear and mistrust
As strangers in our own state

But are we not tired and worn?
Has this violence not taken enough?
Do we not desire a peaceful return?
To unite our hearts with love?

We say no to violence and hate
We call for peace to come home
We say we want to unite once again
As "Ekpokpa" - a united home

Let us reclaim our unity and peace
And let love guide our way
To a brighter tomorrow where we can be
Together as one every day.

By Jennifer Fouhnui