This is a secure area serving as a hub for humanitarian and educational services in the project area. This area will in the first instance be protected through unarmed civilian protection and accompaniment services. It is a safe zone where humanitarian workers, human rights advocated, peace actors, community representatives and others can do their work without fear of intimidation and violence. It also serves as the workstation for principal officers.
Our work covers conflict resolution, mediation, peacebuilding, conflict transformation, and the development peace infrastructures – the pursuit of positive peace (PPP). Our field experience shows that there is a linear relationship among the individual, institutions, and the infrastructure of peace. Thus, providing peace education for the individual and helping communities to build effective and lasting (incremental and post-conflict) social institutions are fundamental to our work. This translates to an agile society and ultimately, development. We believe that development is a product of peace infrastructures but building the peace infrastructure can be a difficult process.
Recognizing the limitations of each community through a case-by-case approach to our work, we help to build partnerships among communities, states, and non-state actors to bring about the needed stability and development. This can take different forms depending on the context. For instance, helping international actors make developmental impact in communities can sometimes be a major aspect of the work. In this regard, We look at the neglected international dimension of seemingly isolated issues and carry out in-depth study of the international system to draw attention to the vacuum it creates and those bearing the brunt of that vacuum.
From the ripples of conflicts around the world to issues of environment, through wider debates, we are tracing the fault lines of the global system to provide early warnings to help actors make informed decisions. We study the gaps within society, proposing solutions as well as partnering to create those solutions. By asking difficult questions and studying widely, we shed light on issues that exist but have not been given due attention by society and institutions both locally and globally.
These includes issues of poverty, underdevelopment, and human rights which we consider a cornerstone for development. The spectrum of issues the centre tackles is infinite because the international system gets more complicated. This is why the international system is part of our focus. The goal here is to enable understanding of the system as much as possible for the benefit of the 'everyday' individual who might not even know there is such a thing as the UN, WTO, World Bank, etc. We believe that when it comes to peace and order, despite existing challenges, the international system itself is an important institution, and it is in the interest of humanity to preserve it and make it work for all.