
The Research Roundtable is a platform for rigorous debates, creating, accepting, and processing proposals and turning them into whitepapers, consultation papers e.t.c. It is also a platform for individuals, groups, organisations, activists, and campaigners to pitch their ideas as well as an instrument through which policymakers can cut through the noise.

We created the Research Roundtable as a consultative forum foe Ekpokpa. Its main purpose is a platform upon which organized and formal dialogue takes place. We like to apply the words of the British journalist Piers Morgan to describe the Roundtable thus: “a fearless forum for lively debate and agenda-setting, … and a place that celebrates the right of everyone to have an opinion, and for those opinions to be vigorously examined and challenged,"

How The Research Roundtable Works

Roundtable Membership and the Peace Council

Membership of the Roundtable shall be based on ocassional public call for Guest Speakers, application by interested persons, and appointment through invitation.

The Host of the Roundtable shall appoint Guest Speakers (members) of the Roundtable through a process that shall be known as ‘invitation’ and members removed from the Roundtable shall be said to have been ‘disinvited.’

Every member of the Roundtable is called a Guest Speaker (GS) among whom are principal officers constituting a body known as the Peace Council.

The Peace Council (principal officers) among other officers include:

  1. Speaker (who serves as the moderator of debates)
  2. President and Editor-in-chief (who serves as the administrator of Ekpokpa accountable to the Host and the Roundtable)
  3. Guest Lecturer (with a different position, who serves as the chief policy expert to counterbalance and scrutinize the position promoted by the president & Editor-in-chief )
  4. Sergeant-against-Arms who unlike in conventional settings, is a gatekeeper and filter for our communication, preventing them from veering off our vision and core values.
  5. Reguis Guide (who not being a sitting member does not participate in debates but) shall only represent the Host/Editor at Large during sittings.

Special Committees of the Research Roundtable

The Research Roundtable comprises of the following special committees: